
As there are a lot of things to be done it is good to have well defined goals. The roadmap below tries to give an idea of the things still to be done. The order gives an idea of the priority of the tasks.

Milestone 1 : Design & initial coding

Status : Completed

Initial class designs made and implemented.
Create databases and add sgf files.
Checking for duplicates. Extracting game information and moves into custom file format.
Wholeboard pattern generation and move continuations generated.
Searching for patterns in multiple databases, with move continuations and analysis.

Milestone 2 : Qt 4 User interface

Target Date: August 2006
Status: Completed initial version

Reseach undertaken into the open edition Qt tecnologies.
Mock design layouts drawn up.
User Interface finished but will be revised on a as needed basis.

Milestone 3 : Release a beta version

Target Date: Q3 2006
Status: Alpha release in July

Windows and Linux versions to be released with a Mac OS version to follow.

Milestone 4 : 9x9 , 12x12 , Halfboard searches

Target Date: October 2006
Status: started and on hold

Class design in place to accomodate other patterns
Possibility of a "Free Search" pending review.

Milestone 5 : Release candidate for final version

Target Date: Q2 2007
Status: No Longer Needed

A re-work of existing code using C++/CLI is to be undertaken.
The aim is to develop better code, an enhanced GUI and improved functionality.
Work to be started Spring 2007.